House Rules

The skills required to create a super science device are more varied than just Knowledge: Technology. Listed below are examples of the additional Knowledge specialty to build a particular effect into a device or invention.

  • Energy Weapons, Force Field, Teleporter Physical Sciences
  • Healing Tank, Super Soldier Serum, Strength Booster Life Sciences
  • Earthquake Machine Earth Sciences

Most super science devices will utilize Physical or Life Sciences. Staff might rule that you need more skill or additional skills to create devices at their discretion.

Mystical Devices or Rituals require Knowledge: Arcane Lore and might require other Knowledge skills for their design phase such as Theology & Philosophy, or even Art.

What can I build?
The Mutants & Masterminds core rulebook has guidelines for temporary inventions on p. 131 that are a good guideline to use to figure out what level of skill is required. Essentially if your skills aren't able to hit a DC equal to 10 + the effective Power Point cost of a given ability then you don't have the skill needed to make it without aid.

Example The Neuron wants to make a device to read people's minds and alter their memories. The device has the following powers:

  • Telepathy 10 (20 effective PP)
  • Transform 10 (Mental, Change Memories/Recollections, Continuous duration; 20 Effective PP)

The GM rules that the knowledge skills that apply are Technology for the overall design, and Behavioral Sciences for the mental powers. The DC would be 30 for either power in the device, meaning that The Neuron would need a skill of 20 to have a 50% chance to succeed with the design. This is a good benchmark to aim for when making a design.

Drawback: Normal Identity
Your normal identity is built on half your points and limited to half your power level. You may have no extraordinary powers or abilities that violate your normal identity's level caps. For example, you could have Strike with the source Training to represent martial arts expertise, but you could not have Super Strength, or the ability to fly.

As a 3 point drawback your transformation takes only a free action; the drawback is worth 4 points if it takes a full round, and 5 if it takes longer than a full round.

Remember that there must be a reasonable means of preventing your transformation for this flaw to be approved. DC's Captain Marvel had to speak a magic word, while Marvel's Thor had to strike his walking cane against the ground to transform into his heroic form. Your character stats should be those of the powered form and your normal form a viewable +note.

Headquarters Feature: Computer
If you wish to have an AI computer it costs an additional feature for the Headquarters. An AI computer can be built on 10 power points per level of the character that purchased the feat. For example, a PL8 character would make their AI with 80 PP using the rules found on page 148 of the Mutants & Masterminds 2nd Edition rulebook. The AI has the same level limits as the character that purchased it, so in the example cited above the AI is limited as if a PL8 character.

Mass Combat
We will be using the Mass Combat Rules from the Paragons adventure A More Perfect Union by Steve Kenson for combats involving large numbers of NPCs or minions. These rules essentially treat a force of multiple units as a single entity to simplify large scale fights. The rules are reprinted here: Paragons-Mass-Combat-Rules

For fights involving 10 or less units use standard combat rounds instead of the longer ones listed in the Mass Combat Rules.

Skill Difficulties


The above skill difficulties were taken from Chris Finney's compilation document Benchmarks Guide V2.

Two or more player characters may form a team, and to encourage this teams get three benefits:

  • Teams can apply for a private Channel.
  • Teams can apply for a team Bulletin Board.
  • For every two members of the team they get an Equipment feat that applies only to their team Headquarters. So if a team has four members they get two equipment feats applied towards the HQ they wish to build.
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